July 13, 2007 at 9:49 pm · Filed under associatedcontent, helium, money, triond, writing
There are a lot of ways to get paid online, but I have earned by far the most money writing short articles for Associated Content. How does it work? Well, Associated Content pays between $3 and $50� per 400-word article on virtually any subject, so long as it doesn’t duplicate content they already have. Not only that: they pay a per-page-view bonus after the article is published – so you keep earning money every time it is viewed! Sound easy? Well it is – you just make sure no one has written on a subject, from breaking news to obscure hobbies, and then write it and submit it for cash.
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May 31, 2007 at 5:18 am · Filed under allsux, associatedcontent, helium, triond
Associated Content offers both up-front payments (from $3-$50)� as well as payments per page view (currently: $1.50 per 1000 views). Submitting content as ‘exclusive’ (meaning: you agree not to republish it elsewhere) can mean a higher up-front offer, but submitting ‘non-exclusive’ is safer if you are considering reusing the same material elsewhere. Getting paid by Associated Content is quick and easy: they have no minimum payout and use PayPal to submit earnings at least once a week. Also, they allow writers to write on virtually any subject, so long as that subject hasn’t been covered on the site already (though some subjects can be covered from various perspectives).
So, in short: you can get paid to write articles that are targetted mostly for Associated Content, which pays the most and has a good community of writers associated with it. First, though, you can submit those articles to Triond and potentially get some extra per-page-view earnings. After submitting to those sites, you can add your articles to your blog or another site with ads or other sources of revenue.