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Archive for August, 2007

In Teh Beginning …

there were LOLCATS

If You Watch Just One Video …

in your entire life … make it this one:

Reddit Comments Suck and Redditers Know It

Reddit, like Digg, allows comments to be voted up or down by other users. Sounds like a great idea, right? Well, below is an image of the most up-voted comment I have ever made on Reddit. It seems even Reddit users recognize how lame many comments are:

Way to Go Reddit Users! Trash Yourselves!

Hilariously, my most down-voted comment ever was one where I fairly innocently pointed out the fact that the story in question was months old … and just then making it to the front page:

Way to Go Reddit Users! Trash the Truth!

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from this. Don’t get me wrong: there’s a lot of great stuff on Reddit. But it seems like early comments on posts get modded up almost irregardless of their content, and a lot of non-offensive and at least semi-relevant ones go down.

Reprinting Weird Blog Comment

 Why anyone would go to all of this trouble to post an obviously off-topic spam post is beyond me. But then again: a lot of strange things get caught in the Askimet web!


So here’s [b][url=]Heather Locklear[/url][/b] on the beach playing football, flirting, and generally acting young. And while her body is still in great shape, the signs of ageing are starting to show. Most notably in her face, where it seems she skipped her last Botox appointment (or maybe her face-lift could use a little tightening).

Sadly, she’s also showing signs of getting older in her arms and legs, where she’s starting to get a bit of that “old lady waddle.� In fact, the only place it looks as though she hasn’t aged is around her [BLEEP], which are still remarkably perky (though the reason for that is probably an easy guess.)

If you need more help making you decision, check out these [b][url=]Heather Locklear bikini pictures[/url][/b], nude [BLEEP] and [BLEEP], as well as the rest of this set after the jump.

Is Digg Duplication Really a Problem?

This rather humorous and strangely ‘mega’ image suggests it isn’t.

Digg Duplication

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