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Archive for sucks

Heading to DC (and Amending my Blog Posts)

No, the above things aren’t actually related. Anyway, heading to DC for a bit of a break and such. Big deadlines coming up, stress building, etc… of course now I find out I might also have to do some work while there to stay caught up! Such is life. Rant. It may be time for another rant soon. Meanwhile, happy Wednesday!

Unexpected Personal Issues Suck

Sometimes life just sneaks up, jumps on you and beats you down with a spork. I realize this is a ‘personal’ weblog and I could blog about what is going on right now, but I’m not even sure I’ve sorted through my own emotional reactions to it yet. Needless to say, my life was already in transition (from grad school to job searching) and something pretty significant just happened in my personal life. I suppose there’s no good time for random things like this to crop up and punch you in the gut, but right now seems a particularly bad time. Ces la vie, more soon maybe.

Being Cyberstalked Just Gets Weirder

OK, so having a digital stalker is getting really really strange. I was confused at first, but then I read that this is a fairly common stalker trick: he has tried to turn the tables and accuse me of stalking him. I’m a little perplexed about how responding to someone’s harassing emails and writing posts without naming them could be construed as stalking, particularly given his own far more intrusive activities.

He has continued to post about me – naming me by (fortunately my fake) name and naming my website – while the few times I have posted about him I did so anonymously. He has contacted people I know, have worked for, am acquainted with, and so on – while I have only contacted him and one other blogger (who was repeating his misinformation). I have asked him to stop writing about me, to me and to people I know repeatedly – but he persists. Perhaps most revealing: this all started because he was violating the law and I notified him about it.

So, OK, maybe I’m nuts but, it seems pretty clear who is stalking who here.

Anywho, this will be the last post abot the stalker directly anyway. So glad is bizarre enough to pick up a creepy fan following. To all you stalkers, though, don’t forget: I am both related to and friends with lawyers … get extra-creepy on me at your own risk ;)

Yay! I Have an Internet Stalker!

 In case he should sue me for this, I hereby disclaim this post and avow that it is entirely my incredibly biased, subjective and stupid opinion – not fact. If I should mysteriously stop posting, assume I was murdered – or went out for a cheeseburger.

This all started a few weeks ago when someone copied a full blog post – hotlinked images and all – from a website I contribute to. I contacted him and firmly but politely asked him to remove the copied content, warning him that his actions were against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines (though I didn’t even mention they were also illegal). Apparently, though framed as well as I could considering the circumstances, he took this as a personal threat. Here is my account of the interchange, though feel free to skip ahead to where I point out that he is breaking the law and I can sue his [noun removed].
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Unlucky 13: Worst Spam Comments Ever

Have you ever thought to yourself: wow, the spam comments on my blog are some of the funniest stuff online?!?! Well I have. For some time now I’ve been collecting the dumbest, funniest and generally most entertaining spam I receive and saving it. Please enjoy the following ranked spam comments, in order of stupidity, with customized headline introductions by yours truly:Â

(13) The Speed-Freak Drug Spammer:

Adipex adipex online buy adipex cheap adipex….

Adipex online best buy. Adipex buy adipex adipex online cheap adipex. Buy adipex online order cheap adipex now. Buy cheap adipex online get adipex here….

(12) The Friendly Psycho Loan Spammer:

Hi all!
[PayDay Loan Link]
Excellent site with fantastic references and reading…. well done indeed…!
[Tramadol Link]
The Author, you – super hero!
[Another PayDay Loan Link]
Very good forum! Good info!
[Yet Another PayDay Loan Link]
I am glad to find this forum!
[Airline Tickets Link]
The Good lad an author! I much like site!!
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Getting Three Stories on Digg’s Front Page: Great. Seeing ‘’ Die From Diggs: Priceless

This is really just too funny. So has a reputation for taking down sites with massive traffic loads, as it just did to WebUrbanist. However, another article currently on the front page specifically addresses load issues. The headline reads: “Traffic generated by Digg’s over 1.2 million famously info-hungry users can crash an unsuspecting website head-on into its CPU, memory, and bandwidth limits. How does Digg handle all this load?”

Irony of all ironies, this website – – itself can’t handle the Digg load. In one single move the site managed to undermine the credibility of its own domain name! Priceless.

Reddit Comments Suck and Redditers Know It

Reddit, like Digg, allows comments to be voted up or down by other users. Sounds like a great idea, right? Well, below is an image of the most up-voted comment I have ever made on Reddit. It seems even Reddit users recognize how lame many comments are:

Way to Go Reddit Users! Trash Yourselves!

Hilariously, my most down-voted comment ever was one where I fairly innocently pointed out the fact that the story in question was months old … and just then making it to the front page:

Way to Go Reddit Users! Trash the Truth!

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from this. Don’t get me wrong: there’s a lot of great stuff on Reddit. But it seems like early comments on posts get modded up almost irregardless of their content, and a lot of non-offensive and at least semi-relevant ones go down.

Rox the Sux

This site rox the sux, which, according to the Urban Dictionary means it “excells in that which is undesireable” and “contains undesireable characteristics.” It is also “believed to have undesireable origins.” I think this fits all of the above.

Certainly this blog is really good at being bad – some posts are so confusing even I don’t know what I’m talking about. It also contains flaws left and right – just look around at the haphazard and ever-growing categories and terrible design! Worst of all, the only reason I started this site was because I realized that the domain wasn’t taken and I have a 6-letter-domain fetish. Yet here it is, with regular readers and high ranks all around. How crazy is that? Uhh, thanks!

Tell Others How Much This Site Sucks – Get a Free Do-Follow PR4 Link – and Be Entered to Win a PR5 Link!

With buzz in the air about a Google PageRank update in the works, now is the time to get some incoming links and boost your PR! It’s really pretty simple: write a post (100+ words) linking to and to one specific post you think is particularly terrible (or awesome). Leave a comment on this post. It will be moderated, so just specify ‘private’ if you don’t want it to show.

In return, I will write a post linking back to everyone who reviews this site with a short blurb about the site and its content. Bonus: it’s a fair bet (based on traffic, such as the recent 16,000+ hits from the Fark main page) that this site is actually PR5 in disguise, it just doesn’t show yet because we are pre-update. So, you’ve got a PR4 or maybe even a PR5 link – just for writing your mind! Don’t like the site? Feel free to trash it. Not sure where to start? Here is a handful of some of our most viewed and controversial posts.

Extra extra bonus: One lucky winner will get a second free blogroll link from a site that already has PR5 showing on it. This will go to the person with the most creative, interesting or funny post – whether or not it trashes or praises this site!

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