June 30, 2007 at 10:05 pm · Filed under digg, domains, megatechtronium, pownce
Kevin Rose founded Digg.com and recently launched Pownce.com, but his company – Megatechtronium – doesn’t appear to have reserved their own domains! Megatechtronium.com just has “Megatechtronium?” on it and (much more interesting) Megatechtronium.net is up for sale to the highest bidder.
June 27, 2007 at 6:10 pm · Filed under digg, pownce, sucks
Pownce was just released – a new brainchild from Digg.com founder Kevin Rose – who apparently forgot that if he kept things entirely hush-hush there would be a storm of searches when Pownce was announced. As a result, some poor World of Warcraft fan with the user name Pownce is currently having his profile trampled via Google searches for Rose’s new project (for a while it was the number one result). Just one more innocent bystander trampled by the stampeding Digg mobs!