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Archive for April, 2007

Let’s Get Ready to Stumble!!!

 I Stumbled and I Can't Get Up

 Are you ready to StumbleUpon and be Stumbled Upon?
(1) If you like this site, stumble – not the subpage this post is on!
(2) Leave me a comment with your StumbleUpon name
(3) I will Stumble your page if I find it worthy of Stumblage
(4) If not, no harm done. I’ll let you know you can UnStumble me
(5) Copy this post and paste it on your blog – remove any blogs you don’t like personally from the list, and add new blogs you do like. Stumble them! As word spreads, more people will have a chance to Stumble your blog (and mine!) if they like them ;)
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Craze over the icanhascheezburger phenomena is growing to ridiculous proportions. Things have gotten to the point where people are actually analyzing the linguistic characteristics of poor catspeak. As always, I prefer the no-nonsense literal interpretation. With that in mind, here you go!


We All Knew Digg was Corrupt but …

… did you know that all of Kevin Rose’s submissions to end up making it to the front page? Over the past year, he has submitted an average of just under one article every two days, and every single one of these has been Dugg to the top. Gee, the founder of coincidentally is 100% successful when making submissions to his ‘corruption-free’ site. What a surprise! Most Diggers probably have at best a 10% success rate. I won’t even bother spelling this out further. So much for new, democratic and dynamic communities of the Web 2.0 revolution!

Digg an Article Banned from

One of the upshots of having my article on scams and corruption posted on Associated Content is: people can go and Digg the article! Eight Diggs so far – not bad for a post that bashes Digg.

This E-mail Will Self-Destruct in 15 Minutes

So, if you’re sick and tired of coming up with a fake e-mail address to sign up for new stuff, then you probably want to try Guerrilla Mail. This site gives you a free disposable e-mail address so you don’t have to waste your time either (1) filling in fake Yahoo or GMail profiles each time you want to sign up for some page that sucks or (2) worrying about spam filling your real inbox up with spam and ads for Viagra. A free and fast solution to signups for sites that sux, without feeling like you wasted a perfectly good e-mail address.

Blogger’s Choice Awards Suck

Well, amazingly despite having only a few votes I’m ranked in the top %25-30 of the Blogger’s Choice Awards for Most Obnoxious Blogger and Worst Blog of All Time! So vote early and vote often as they say! Thanks for your support, I couldn’t suck so much without you!

I am the Most Obnoxious and Worst Blogger Ever

Well, this blog just sucks! So, it should come as no surprise to you all, dear readers, that it has been submitted to Blogger’s Choice Awards under the following categories:

Vote now for the Worst Blog of All Time or me as the Most Obnoxious Blogger

Meanwhile, if you haven’t already, I just recently signed up for MyBlogLog so you should go ahead and join my community of suxage! I’d like to give a shout out to BenSpark and Bulletproofsoul, who have both voted for me and who both have very engaging (though radically different) blogs.

Digg Sucks Story Posted on Associated Content

I’m still a bit busy with other things but I thought I’d let you all know my story on Digg scandals and corruption was published (after I cleaned it up a bit) on Associated Content! Of course the best part about it (irony of ironies!) is that you can go read the article and Digg it even though my URL is still banned from their system – too funny!!!

Meanwhile, it took them long enough but Digg finally figured out how to stop the tactic of adding a ‘period’ after the URL to slip a banned URL or duplicate story into the system. ALSO check out this hilarious Digg-bashing Digg-clone – AWESOME!

Some Filler to Pass the Time

I’m waiting to see how a big story breaks before posting about it one way or another. Meanwhile, check out some reviews of the big upcoming summer movies. Site includes: some fun and quirky background on some movies you man not know if you’re not a fan of the comics, books or old movies they are based on. Check it out!

Meanwhile I’ll add a little more to the mystery story: hundreds of dollars of my potential earnings on are in dispute. Currently, it looks like I may not see a cent from the hundreds of articles I have written for them. However, they may still come through in the end – I just don’t want to say much more about it until it is resolved (one way or the other).

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