Well I have to say I’m pleased as punch about being selected as the lastest Hot Member on MyBlogLog. This site, for new readers tuning in, this site is filled with assorted randomness, from silly images and strange videos to really weird news. It has taken a lot of big-name internet companies to task, from LiveLeak to Digg and Helium and many others along the way. Possibly the only site I have posted only positive praise about is MyBlogLog.
Why? Because they actually care about the people who use their site, respond to concerns and suggestions promptly and helpfully – and all in order to create an amazing place to find great blogs and cool bloggers. In short: they’re the biggest web company I know of that hasn’t sold out their principles and personal investment in what they do as a result of their success. So yes, ‘all’ does ‘sux’ … except MyBlogLog!
So join in the fun and join up here for the AllSux and WebUrbanist communities. Also, a round of applause to Robyn and Eric who have turned MyBlogLog into the best blogging community online! Not a member? Whether you’re a blogger or a blog-reader the best way to find interesting blogs and bloggers online is through MyBlogLog!!!
P.S. No they don’t pay me :)