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It Takes All Kinds of Blogs to Make Up These Here Interwebs – Check Some Out!

I know you love Allsux, whether it’s rants or advice or random images and videos – it’s why you keep coming back! However, there are some other great blogs and bloggers out there who deserve recongition, many of which and whom present more coherent information than this site. Here are a few very different blogs, each worth looking into for their own reasons:

Julie Anne Bonner is sensible, honest and personable blogger making money online, sharing insights with and responding to her readers. Her advice on making money online is both personal and professional. John Lampard of is an old-school blogger with a very sleak and simple site and solid posts on a range of subjects. He has no ads on-site at the moment – a rarity in the blogosphere – and has recently written a piece on the pros and cons of blog comments. WallStreetFighter is yet another very different kind of blog. Ranging from crass humor and cool facts, this site has a little bit of everything.

Even better, each of the above bloggers is fun to interact with and interested in meeting other bloggers and responsive so comments. So, don’t be shy, check out out that sounds interesting to you and be sure to leave a comment!