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Digpicz: A [PICS] Feed for Digg Image Fans

For those of you have haven’t heard, someone just came up with something called Digpicz. What is this, you ask? Well, it’s an elegantly designed, simple website that displays newly popular Digg submissions related to images. What makes this so neat? Well, Diggers (as evidenced by how fast Digpicz hit the Digg front page!) have been wanting an image section for a while. Now they have it! Anyway, this isn’t new news anymore, but you should check out the site of the Digpicz creator who is currently working on an even more amazing pics aggregator!

Who the Heck Are You People?

 OK, so gets a few thousand hits a day, and 50-some odd (probably in both senses of the term, but don’t worry, I love oddballs!) people have even subscribed to the feed, despite the RSS info being jammed way at the bottom of the sidebar. So who are you people? Hi from AllSux!

WTF is up with WTF?

The average number of comments on AllSux is 2 per post, which (supposedly) is typical – because less than 1% of blog readers leave comments on average. So, I suppose I can’t reasonably expect you to come out of the closet and leave a comment just because I ask. Nonetheless, hello out there [he shouts into the interweb abyss].

That is all :)

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This Page Can Not Be Displayed

Allsux Retrospective Part 2: The Worst of the Sux

In this latest installment of the AllSux retrospective, I’m taking a look back at the site’s most controversial and popular posts! If you’ve been reading for a while you may or may not have seen these, but they are the ones that put the site on the map and brought in the readers it has today.

(5) This post about Ask, Google and Google-Sux got some attention mostly because I bashed a site, and its administrator came back at me guns blazing. However, their counterarguments got shut down pretty fast. In reality, I think it was the comments that drew more attention than the post.

(4) This post about the huge scandal about LiveLeak not being indexed by Google drew a lot of readership, though much of it was from a Spanish site I never was able to decipher!

(3) Of course, one of the biggest AllSux targets has been – and this story that followed the huge Digg scandal was the most popular of them all. While other blogs (and major news sites like Wired) were confused, I stayed up all night and summarized what was going on.

(2) The Technorati experiment had a huge readership. I think that a lot of people are interested in the deeper consequences of using social networks, and this post struck a cord with folks.

(1) Of course the most visited page on AllSux is Allsux! That bodes well for this and my other (newer) blog, because it means that there are a lot of readers who want to see the lates and greatest, and don’t just show up to read a single post and leave. Thanks to you all – keep visiting, reading, and please leave comments! Also visit this new blog I’m helping develop:

An honorable mention goes to all of the articles on AllSux about Helium. Though none of these pages have individually made the top five, they have cumulatively done amazingly well. Why? Because other frustrated Helium writers keep finding them and sending me words of support as well as their own stories bout Helium.

MyBlogLog Tagging – Friend or Foe?

MyBlogLog New Tagging - Add a Tag for Me, See if I Care!

MyBlogLog has added a new feature (on top of the recently-added Twitter) that allows people to tag blogs with key words or phrases. While this might sound like a good way to find blogs you are interested in, the move has come under fire by some critics. Basically, the worry is that people will tag blogs with negative key phrases like “spammer” and so on.

I have to wonder, though, is that really going to matter? On the one hand, would you trust someone who labeled someone else a spammer? What if a conservative blogger got tons of spammer tags, or a liberal one? Wouldn’t you just assume that the person was drawing fire from people with different opinions?

It seems to me like: the more ways to navigate MyBlogLog the better. For a great while now, a MyBlogLog widget has been my only interactive blog widget on the site. I like seeing who visits and bouncing from blog to blog on the MyBlogLog site as well. Anyway, only time will tell and hopefully they’ll modify the feature if it gets abused.

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