Well, OK, to be fair, I should have just started ignoring his emails – but they were just too funny! Backstory for those just tuning in: some guy stole some content off a site I write for, pasted it word-for-word and image-for-image on his own site, then turned (in my opinion) psychotically beligerent when I asked him politely to remove the illegally copied content from his site, and directed him to relevant copyright laws.
Now he is threatening to call the police for harassment, his lawyer for defamation, and the FBI for threatening him. He also wants to contact my hosting provider to get this site suspended and Google to delete the (for-spam-use-only) email address I gave him to conact me at. For all I know he plans to call my mother and explain to her that I’ve been a very bad boy.
Anyway, I’ve made an executive decision to stop contacting him. Eventually he started to annoy me to the point where I started to use excessive strong language – which I took to mean his apparent psychosis was rubbing off on me. Also, his last letter included a vague by somewhat disturbing threat that could be interpreted to mean I might end up as another blood-spattered patch on the pavement and front-pager of a local news story.
So, this is probably the last I will write of my internet stalker. It’s been entertaining at times, strange at others, but it just goes to show you: some people really really need to get out more.
UPDATE: he has reported me to GMail and forwarded his complaint :)
UPDATE: he is writing to various sites I have submitted content to and ranting and raving about me. It’s pretty funny, cuz he’s calling me an internet stalker, saying I’m harassing/threatening him and such, but he’s the one contacting everyone he can think of to trash me lolz. I feel like I’m back in 8th grade :(